(Co Pilot Todd, The Space Cadet, Co Pilots Luke & Billy )
As the 1-year anniversary of this special day approaches perhaps we should look back at the day that Co Pilot Lucas crushed the cockroaches.
It was a great day. My birthday, Fathers Day, and it was “supposed” to be the final day of the 2009 US Open of Golf but with all the rain they were playing the third round. I was thinking about spending the day in front of the TV watching Lucas (who was in 2nd place at the time) when my smoking hot wife walked out in her swimsuit and said lets get on the boat. I thought about the decision before me for a second. Watch Lucas do work in the biggest golf tournament in the world or hang out with my bikini wearing hot as fire wife on the boat. I chose boat.
It was a great day to be on the water. The clouds above were in the shape of rocket ships and surfboards. The birds sang me El Happy Birthday. That is happy birthday in Spanish and the fish swam by giving me high 5’s. As the boat adventure came to an end I docked the boat and got a call from a Co Pilot friend. Todd did not say hi. He did not say hello. All he said is “Are you ready to go?”
I was confused then he said, “Are you down for adventure?”
I replied, “You know I am, just let me know what it is.”
“You like golf don’t you?” Todd questioned.
I then replied, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”
At that moment I realized that this was about to become the longest birthday of my life as I heard Todd’s brother and other Co Pilot Billy in the background screaming, “I knew Dave was a gamer.” What all this meant was Lucas had just dominated everyone in the third round and had a chance to win the US Open.
Well in order to make a long story short. I made shirts, we drove through the night, Lucas stomped out the cockroaches (Tiger, Phil, Duval, Barnes) and by the end of the day we had the US Open of Golf trophy in our hands.
(Billy, The Space Cadet & Todd at the trophy presentation)
(Lucas & Bob pointing at us during the trophy presentation)
Lets get this straight. LUKE IS NO FLUKE. Lucas Glover won the US Open. Nobody gave it to him. As a pro athlete I will tell you that I want to win everything I am competing in. I don’t care if it is checkers or a simple game of horse. I would rather drown you than loose to you and golfers are no different. Believe me when I say Tiger and the rest of the guys wanted to win the US Open but there was one who wanted it more and was better than all the rest and his name was Lucas Glover. He hit the shots when no one else could and on the 16th he threw a knock out punch at anyone who was man enough to challenge him. But no one was. Well done Luke and thanks for the best birthday of my life.
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