Dave Visits Tanner Glass and the Canucks

Dave "The Space Cadet" teaching Tanner to throw a Right Hook
What would you get if you combined the awesomeness of Mother Theresa and the knock out power of Mike Tyson? Tanner Glass is the answer. On one hand he is helping kids in Africa and on the other he is giving a Right Hook to a San Jose Shark. To be honest he is the best friend that any space cadet could ever have. He would probably help you clean your room then knock out the bully who was messing with you.

I recently had the honor of hanging with Tanner before a home game in Vancouver. I had no clue what to think or expect going into it. Would these guys be crazy mullet rockin mammoths or country raised Canadians from cozy log cabins? Who knows. Well I soon found out that the man they call "Glass" was not just a mullet that will kick your (well you know). He is actually a super rad guy who is more than willing to help anyone out. Its always great to find other athletes who have a real grasp on reality. He understands how blessed he is to be where he is and he has not lost sight of where he has come from.
After talking for a while he invited me into the locker room. As we sat there he started asking me questions about surfing and life. He told me that he actually bought a surfboard with hopes of learning to surf. I was inspired by his interest in surfing so I decided to take up something he was good at. So I picked Fighting. First I tried to intimidate him and tell him that I am like a unicorn and if he messes with me I will give him the horn but my intimidation failed somehow. He was impressed with my moves though. He said he thought I had a great right hook. So I figured the least I could do was teach him how to throw it.
Well the time had come for me to go because Tanner had to get ready for the game. As I was leaving Tanner hooked me up with tickets to the sold out game. That night my smokin hot wife and I went to the game and watched as Tanner did his thing. He cut through the ice like a hot knife through butter. Then I jumped to my feet as I saw Tanner look at this guy and throw his gloves down. The poor guy had no clue that I showed Tanner my right hook earlier that day. Tanner gave him a Left, then he have him The Right and thats all it took to end the fight. The guy was on the ground then Tanner skated away and all I could say was, "Tanner thanks for a great day."
Well Tanner as soon as the season is over and the Stanley Cup is yours we will go on that surf trip.

Thanks For the Seats Tanner

Looks like Tanner applied what I taught Him